2008 + Mixed by Adam — January Sale (A Very Iyrie! New Year)

Nowadays there really isn't such a thing as a January sale. Every year the sales get earlier and earlier - most of the shops can't even wait till Boxing Day before they lose their nerve and start flogging everything off on Christmas Eve. The hoardes of proles sleep in tents on the strret over night to be first in to the Next sale at 5 oam. What is the world coming to? We have resisited the temptation to behave in this uncicilised fashion, and have stuck with tradition - an iyrie! January Sale full of bargains commencing New Years day. First come, first served, form an orderly queue.


5" Compact disc sleeve, silk–screen, green card
5” White label compact disc, UltraChrome K3 ink

Iyrie! Mix 1
January Sale
(A Very Iyrie! New Year)


Iyrie! Mixes, Mix 1, January 2008
5" Compact disc sleeve, silk–screen, green card
5” White label compact disc, ultraChrome K3 ink


Adam Went to NYC